Numerous rumours questions surround the season 6 finale. Is John Locke still Locke? What will be the final fate of war between Benjamin Linus (Michael Emerson) and Charles Widmore (Alan Dale)?
Posted on December 30th 2009 in
The latest minute-long promo for the sixth season of LOST has just been released online today and we have it here for all you fans of the show. Those of you looking for some new footage from season 6, you're out of luck.
Posted on December 22nd 2009 in
Season 6,
Remember Mikhail Bakunin? I'm sure you do. He was the one-eyed Other who simply wouldn't die. That is, of course, until he blew himself up with a grenade, blowing a hole in the side of the Looking Glass and drowning Charlie Pace.
Posted on December 21st 2009 in
We’ve already learned that the season 6 premiere will be a 3-hour event consisting of one recap episode to get all the major events of the show fresh in our minds, and then we’ll be hit with the all-important 2-hour premiere. So that’s the premiere sorted out – but what of the series finale?
Posted on December 16th 2009 in
Last Friday, I talked to "LOST" executive producers Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse for more than an hour, and I'll publish a complete transcript of our conversation in a few weeks. I especially can't wait for you to read the part about the Ewoks.
Posted on December 16th 2009 in