Season Six Premiere a Go for Feb 2

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Looks like the White House had chosen February 2 for President Obama’s State of the Union Address and moved it to avoid preempting LOST. Carlton Cuse just added a follow up Twitter post, “In exchange for moving his speech, Damon and I promise to answer ANY questions the President has about LOST.” It’s good to be the President.

Rest easy, LOST fans. Yesterday’s news about the White House eying February 2 for President Obama’s State of the Union address can now be shredded and tossed in the garbage can.

LOST executive producer and writer Carlton Cuse stopped by his Twitter account this morning with words of relief after yesterday’s scare. “No State of the Union conflict with LOST! We go Feb. 2!”

The fate of Jack, Hurley, Locke and the rest of LOST’s cast will continue on schedule without a delay.

See full article at TheHDRoom ยป

Posted on January 10th 2010 in News

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